Good Riddles

lette-r-iddle (medium)

Question: If all of your surrounding is X, you can't Y. X n Y have the same letters. Name X n Y.

Question: You are in a brick cube. Now way in and no way out. There is only a table and a mirror. How do you get out?

the painting (medium)

Question: A man walks into an art museum and stares at a painting.When a guard walks up and ask him why he is so interested in the painting he responds with"brother and sisters I have none but that mans father is my fathers son"who is the man in the painting?

Riddle #3302 (medium)

Question: If the day before yesterday was the 12th, then what is the day after tomorrow?

By Veer

Question: There were 12 fish in a pond. Two drowned so how many fish were left?