Good Riddles


Question: Found here : Five bankers are sharing 12 golden ingots. They decide to proceed that way : The elder one will suggest an ingots allotment. The rest will vote for or against it. If the majority accepts, the sharing is ratified. If not, the elder will be dismissed. So, the sharing would be done between the remaining banker with the same rules. Knowing that they are set from left to right in a diminishing order of their ages, how would be the allotment ?

life (medium)

Question: what happens when you are born

Kidnapper (medium)

Question: The Duke of Riddleton has been kidnapped. The police have identified 3 suspects, all of which had motive, and opportunity to do the deed. Their names are Andrew, Jason, and Shawn. All of them claim that they didn't do it, but Jason and Shawn seemed nervous wile being questioned. There was a note left behind, with the following description: 1491011. Who kidnapped the duke?

Restless (medium)

Question: I fly and never rest. What am I?

hard riddle (medium)

Question: I have keys but no lock, you can enter but not leave what am I?