Good Riddles

Kaywoods (medium)

Question: There is a man dead in the middle of a vast oval, and there was a plane flying in the sky. With an unopened package beside him, how did he die?

Question: What has been found to have no beginning, middle or end; it eats away everything, but makes life for us all?

Murder? (medium)

Question: Romeo and Juliet are dead. The only evidence of their death is in their house, and it is some shattered glass and a puddle of water. The only furniture in the house is a bed, a dresser and a bookshelf. The house is next to a railroad track. Their only pet was a cat. How did they die?

create a word (medium)

Question: You are going to make a word. To make this word, you need to put a letter in between two e's to make a word that starts with e and ends with e. What is the word? Hint: Think outside the box.

Question: There is a boat which can only support 80 kilos weight transport. A man has 2 sons. Man weighs 80 kilos and both sons are 40 and 40 kilos. They want to go to the Island with this boat, but going there together adds up to 160 kilos? What should they do to get them all on the Island?