
About: I'm just a young adult who loves reading, sports, acting, singing and traveling. I currently live in Australia, and solve riddles, or at least attempt to figure out riddles.

Author's Riddles

Kaywoods (medium)

Question: Tuesday, Sam and Peter went to a restaurant, but forgot their wallets, who paid, for their bill?

Kaywoods (medium)

Question: How do you make the number one disappear?

Kaywoods (medium)

Question: What can go up, a chimney, but cannot come down?

Kaywoods (medium)

Question: What starts with the letter "t", filled with "t" and ends with a "t"?

Kaywoods (medium)

Question: What has hands, but can not clap?

Kaywoods (medium)

Question: I am tall when I am young, and short when I am old, what am I?

Kaywoods (medium)

Question: Can you finish this pattern? j, f, m, a, m, j, j, a, s, o, n, _?

Kaywoods (medium)

Question: There is a man dead in the middle of a vast oval, and there was a plane flying in the sky. With an unopened package beside him, how did he die?

Kaywoods (medium)

Question: If the green man lived in the green house, and the yellow man lived in the yellow house, and the blue man lived in the blue house, who lived in the white house?