Good Riddles

Riddle #1036 (medium)

Question: A man orders a coffee and finds a fly in it. He sends it back and gets another one. But he quickly discovers that they gave him the same coffee that had the fly in it.

How did he know?

Child's Play (medium)

Question: Within me you can find gold Also 'The Greatest', if I should be so bold. Unfortunately, as you might see 'The Worst' is also apart of me. What am I?

What Falls? (medium)

Question: What can fall but never stay, something colorless with peoples dislikes?

Riddle #2959 (medium)

Question: What's yours but people use it more then you?

The dogs name (medium)

Question: In a universe there's a galaxy. In a galaxy there's a planet. In a planet there's a continent. In a continent there's a country. In a country there's a city. In a city there's a town. In a town there's a village. In a village there's a house. In a house there's a dog. What is the dog's name.