Good Riddles

Riddle #853 (medium)

Question: Angel and Dory were found on the ground gasping for air surrounded by glass and water. The person who found them quickly got a glass of water for them and they were fine.

What happened to Angel and Dory?

Question: I have every color, but no gold.

What am I?

Question: A man in New York City has $10. He spends $6.50 on flowers, and $3 on lunch (hot coffee and a hot dog). He then gets on the subway which will take him 7 stops for 50 cents. But he is forced to get off of the subway just 5 stops away from where he began.

Why is this?

Riddle #842 (medium)

Question: What is 40 divided by 1/2, plus 15?

Question: Does England have a 4th of July?