73 ratings
3 saves
Question: I can be thin but not fat, In your body but never on your placemat.I'm always better when I'm fresh,but you'll never see me in the flesh.What am I?
73 ratings
3 saves
Question: A man runs into a bar and asks for a glass of water. The bartender pulls out a shotgun and yells at him. The man thanks the bartender, then walks out of the bar happily.
Why did the man thank the bartender?
78 ratings
2 saves
Question: In what year did Christmas and New Year's fall on the same year?
69 ratings
2 saves
Question: A poor woman takes an expensive piece of jewelry, when she is caught the owner of the jewelry tells her "You can have this for seven figures or you will go to jail." The woman soon leaves with the jewelry.
How did she do this?
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