Good Riddles

Lima Beans! (medium)

Question: A lady just married a man. They do not have enough money to stay in a decent hotel. The couple stays with the man's mother. The man's mother has a jar full of lima beans, the lady's favourite food. The lady takes one lima bean each day they stay. The man's mother suspects the lady's theiving, but does not say a word. One day, the man's mother and wife are cleaning the kitchen together. The lady sees the man's mother looking at her eying the jar, now half full of lima beans. The lady finds one on the counter top and holds it up to the man's mother. She says three words that relieves the man's mother's suspection. What are those three words?

nasty. (medium)

Question: sometimes i hang, sometimes im crusty, sometimes im bloody, and yellow. What am i?

Question: Bobby's teacher gave him a math quiz. Every time he got an answer right, points would be taken away, so whoever had the most points, got the most questions wrong. Bobby's score was the highest, yet he still got the most questions correct out of the class. How is this possible?

perfection (medium)

Question: 1 is 3, 3 is 5, 5 is 4, 4 is perfect. Why?

Question: I was crucified to keep murders out of the maze. What am I?