Good Riddles

Kidnapper (medium)

Question: The Duke of Riddleton has been kidnapped. The police have identified 3 suspects, all of which had motive, and opportunity to do the deed. Their names are Andrew, Jason, and Shawn. All of them claim that they didn't do it, but Jason and Shawn seemed nervous wile being questioned. There was a note left behind, with the following description: 1491011. Who kidnapped the duke?

1+1 (medium)

Question: Name 4 ways to calculate 1+1.

Question: I look green but I am not. I look blue but I am not. I look red but I am not. What am I?

barbor (medium)

Question: Theres a good barbor and theres a bad barbor, The good barbor has a bad haircut and the bad barbor has a good haircut. Why is that...?

Question: It's the beginning of the universe and the end of every place. It's the beginning of Everything and the end of every race. What am I?