Question: A man is walking through the park one day and sees a group of four boys standing in a circle. A smaller boy is holding a large stick and hands it to a larger boy saying "I couldn't do it, your turn."

The larger boy swings the stick twice and the other two boys go to the ground. The smaller boy says "I'll get 'em next time." The man walks away smiling.

What just happened?

Question: I can be thin but not fat, In your body but never on your placemat.I'm always better when I'm fresh,but you'll never see me in the flesh.What am I?

Question: You can call me a home, but I have no doors.
Someone lives inside me, but leaves when there's no more.

What am I?

Riddle #359 (medium)

Question: I have more shoes than anybody,
but less feet than everyone.
I am met in the morning,
but departed in the night.
I may shake as if I'm angry,
but I won't bite.

What am I?

Question: Which word does not belong in the following list:

Stop cop mop chop prop shop or crop?