Riddle #347 (medium)

Question: You have two books. One of them is upside-down and the other is rotated so the top of the book is facing you.

What is the sum of the first page in each book?

Riddle #348 (medium)

Question: Had by few but treasured by all,
I'm on the inside and outside and I make men fall.

What am I?

Question: A town only has one barber (he is male). The barber only shaves all of the people who do not shave themselves.

So who shaves the barber?

Riddle #350 (medium)

Question: You can rest on my pad without touching the keys.
I will sing all month long as long as you pay your fees.

What am I?

Riddle #353 (medium)

Question: I am a cave full of bones,
and the house of a worm.

What am I?