Easy Riddles and Answers


By Sal

Question: What is a snake's favourite subject in school?

By HLad

Question: I travel for miles yet stay where I am. What am I?

Question: There was a dancing juggler performing everyday from Monday to Sunday,from 8 Am to 7 PM straight. At 6:50 he was performing his act in New Jersey, so he was dancing while juggling 8 eggs; 3 were raw, the other 2 were hard boiled, where were the other 3?

Question: I sit on a bridge so you might see just how clear the world can be. What am I?

Bookworm (medium)

By Taz

Question: There are three books on a shelf standing side by side. Each book is 10ml thick. The bookworm eats its way through the first page of the first book to the last page of the last book. How far did the bookworm move if it can only move in a straight horizontal line?