12 ratings
0 saves
By cupcakecats
Question: The mouse that can walk is Mickey. But the duck that can walk is who?
15 ratings
0 saves
By BBaker
Question: A man lived on the 12th floor of a building it was a nice building anyway when he goes to work he gets in the elevator and goes to the bottom floor. When he comes back he goes to the 7th floor and walks the rest. But when there is someone else in the elevator he goes to the 12th and when it is raining why.
14 ratings
0 saves
Question: What is something you'll never see again?
24 ratings
0 saves
Question: 1. A bat and a ball cast $1.10 cents in total. The bat costs one dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? 2. If five machines made five gadgets in five minutes, how much time would it take for 100 machines to make 100 gadgets? 3. The was a lake, it was full with lily pads, each day the lily pads doubled in size, it took 48 days for the lily pads to cover all of the lake how long would it take for the lily pads to cover half of the lake?
41 ratings
1 saves
By ketchum
Question: Filled with garb,
the price is free.
Just return what you don't need.
What am I?
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