Logic Riddles


Question: Two people are born at the same moment, but they don't have the same birthdays.

How could this be?

Question: Queens can move horizontally, vertically and diagonally any number of spaces as illustrated. One piece 'attacks' another if it moves to the same tile that the other piece is on. How can you arrange eight queens on the board so they cannot attack each other?

Question: A bank is getting robbed and one of the robbers tells one of the tellers to give him all of the money. The teller tells him she doesn't have access to it.

Suddenly the phone rings. The robber tells the teller to answer it and not give them away. She picks up the phone and it happens to be her mother. She tells her mother "Is this an emergency mom? Call me when I get home, I could use some help painting." Then she hangs up.

The robbers continue to try to get into the vault but twenty minutes later the police show up with the tellers mom and arrest them all.

How did the police know about the robbery?

Riddle 1 (medium)

Question: An iron horse with a tail of flax. The more the horse gallops, the longer his tail becomes.

Question: How can you throw a ball 20 meters, and have it come back to you without hitting anything?