Best Riddles and Answers

riddle (medium)

Question: I like to twirl my body but keep my head up high.when I go in everything becomes tight. What am I?

Question: Hard, Harder, and Hardest are brothers. By age from youngest to oldest, it goes Hard, Harder, Hardest. Hard is half the age of Hardest who is 20 which means hard is 10. Harder has a two-year difference between the number of years older he is than Hard and the number of years younger he is than Hardest. Harder is closer to the age of Hard than Hardest. How old is Harder?

Question: What didn't Adam and Eve have that everyone else has?

By jBoner

Question: What word is shorter when you add two letters to it?

Question: Two men find an old gold coin and want to have a coin toss with it to decide who gets it. The only problem is the coin is heavier on one side so it comes up heads more than tails. What is a fair way for the men to toss the coin and decide who gets the coin?