Best Riddles and Answers


Question: If a farmer has 5 chickens, two horses, and a wife.

How many feet are on his farm?


Take me for a spin and I'll make you cool,
but use me when it's cool and you're a fool.

What am I?

Question: Shake me and I'll do what you want,
but first you have to pull me from the ground.
I'm on the tip of your tongue and over your shoulder.

What am I?

Question: A man was born on January 1st, 23 B.C. and died January 2nd, 23 A.D. How old did he live to be?

Question: You find me behind the stars; or in a sixth, seventh, or third.
It takes something round, a computer, and me to make pie.
I am bigger than anything you can think of.

What am I?