11 ratings
0 saves
Joke: Jokes about feminine hygiene aren't funny... Period!
20 ratings
2 saves
Joke: A blonde, brunette and a red head are stuck on an island; but they see land in the distance and decide to swim to it.
The brunette swims 1/4 of the way but can't continue and decides to turn back.
The red head swims 1/3 of the way but can't continue and decides to turn back.
The blonde swims 1/2 of the way but decides she can't continue and swims back to the island.
2 ratings
0 saves
Joke: What kind of trophy does the laziest person get?
11 ratings
2 saves
Joke: A man with a dog walks into a bank that has a sign reading "No dogs." A security guard walks up to him and asks "Did you read the sign? No dogs."
The man replies "I know. Someone should fix that. It should say one dog."
57 ratings
11 saves
Joke: A police officer pulls over a car full of old women. He says "Mam, you realize you can't drive that slow on the highway. It's dangerous."
She responds "Isn't the speed limit 33?"
Laughing the cop says "No man, this is highway 33. That's not the speed limit." He looks into the back of the car and the women are frightened. He asks "What's wrong with them?"
The lady says "I don't know. We just came off of Highway 144."
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