Dirty Jokes

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Joke: Why did Adam take the apple from Eve?

Punch line: She couldn't give him her cherry with God watching.

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Joke: A grandpa sees his grandson has a condom in his wallet and asks him "What's that?"

The grandson embarrassed, replies "They keep your cigarettes dry in the rain."

The following day the grandpa sees a man buying condoms and cigarettes at a gas station and tries to start a conversation "I bet your gonna put a long camel in those."

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Joke: A military captain approaches a prostitute and asks her, "Would you enjoy my company for $100?"

She replies, "Of course, a handsome military man like you."

The captain turns around, "COMPANY! FORWARD!"

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Joke: What's the best part of working in the porn industry?

Punch line: The hard work.

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Joke: Why is Santa's sack so full?

Punch line: He only comes once a year!

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