Blonde Jokes


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Joke: A blonde walks into a bar yelling, "65 days!"

A guy asks her, "What's in 65 days?"

The blonde replies, "I completed the puzzle in 65 days! The box said 2 to 4 years!"

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Joke: A man comes home to his blonde wife crying violently. When he asks her what's wrong she replies "I've been working on this puzzle all day, but I can't figure it out! It's supposed to be a tiger."

Her husband grabs her hand gently and replies "Honey, put away the box of frosted flakes."

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Joke: How do you get a blonde with one arm out of a tree?

Punch line: Wave at her.

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Joke: A blonde woman found herself in a blizzard and didn't know what to do. But suddenly she remembered some advice her father had given her, "If you ever get stuck in a snow storm, just follow a plow."

Surely enough a plow soon comes by and she follows it. Forty-five minutes later the man driving the plow pulled over and confronted the blonde "What are you doing?"

She replies "My dad said if I get stuck in a blizzard I should follow a plow."

The man with the plow snickers "Well I'm done with Walmart, you want to follow me to Target?"

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Joke: What do you call a blonde woman with two brain cells?

Punch line: Pregnant.

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