Short Riddles and Answers


Question: An empty bus pulls up to a stop and 10 people get on. At the next stop 5 people get off and twice as many people get on as at the first stop. At the third stop 25 get off.

How many people are on the bus at this point?

Question: I sizzle like bacon, I'm made with an egg.
I have plenty of backbone, but not a good leg.
I peel layers like an onion, but still remain whole.
I can be long like a flagpole, yet I fit in a hole.

What am I?

Question: There are three boxes labeled "Apples", "Oranges", and "Apples and oranges". Each box has the wrong label on it. How could you correctly label all three of the boxes by taking only one piece of fruit fruit from one of the boxes?

Question: Name two different words using following words only... 1. Without me 60% living beinga cant survive.. 2. Without me none ( living+non-living cant survive... 3. Both have five letters each but both r anagrams of each other..

By Plato

Question: There is a story that a man and not a man
Saw and did not see a bird and not a bird
Perched on a branch and not a branch
And hit him and did not hit him with a rock and not a rock.

[How is this possible?]