Short Riddles and Answers


Question: A man in prison has a visitor. Afterward a guard asks the inmate who the visitor was to him. The inmate replies: "brothers and sisters I have none, but that man's father is my father's son." Who was the visitor to the inmate?

Question: You have found a mutant algae that doubles in size every hour. It takes 18 hours for one algae plant to take up half of a certain lake.

How long would it take for two of these plants to take up half of the same lake?

Unlogical (medium)

Question: You're in a unbreakable room. You only have scissors and a 2-feet long rope and logic. There's a small window, big enough only to put one item through. The rope nor the scissors doesn't fit into the window. How do you escape?

The Parade (medium)

Question: There is a guy in a parade. The crowd says that he has eyes that never blink, but he says he can see them. They also say that he has a mouth that never moves even though he can hear them talk to him. How is this possible?

Question: Although I am important to you, I am but a mere illusion. My beginning is as unknown as my conclusion. The more that you think, the more that I appear to pass. When you are in pleasure, I tend to escape your grasp. What am I?