0 views9 ratings0 saves
By jena
Question: Why do cows wear bells?
Answer: Because their horns don't work.
58.4k views39 ratings1 saves
By Yccheetah
Question: What do you call 2 Us?
Answer: A W(Double U)!
18.8k views18 ratings0 saves
By chin
Question: What room can you eat?
Answer: Mushroom!
2k views120 ratings1 saves
By Salamence12
Question: How do you eat a tent
Answer: With your mouth,Silly duck
3k views194 ratings6 saves
By Dvijesh Raghav
Question: Why is 6 afraid of 7?
Answer: Because 7 is hungry as '7 ate 9' ( 7,8,9).
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