Good Riddles

What am I ? (medium)

Question: I have the power to turn day into night And night into day I am worshiped by many Even when I'm quartered and halved. Look but you shall not find me when I am new.

What you say (medium)

Question: What has a lot to say but can't be heard because it can't speak one single word?

I'm hungry (medium)

Question: Why couldn't the skinny man eat all of his fat burger?

Riddle #3054 (medium)

Question: What goes back and forth constantly, but never in a straight line?

Riddle #3055 (medium)

Question: I fall while I'm flying, but can't touch the ground. I'm beaten all day, yet don't make a sound. I try to leave when you keep hitting me, but you always manage to somehow get me. No matter what I do, I always find my way back to you. What could I possibly be?