Good Riddles


Question: Change a long pause into a short one by doubling a letter.What are the words?

Riddle #1322 (medium)

Question: Two men went into a restaurant. They sat at a table and the waiter came by and asked, "What do you want to drink?"

The first man said, "I'll have H20."

The second man said, "I'll have H20 too."

The second man died.


Riddle #1327 (medium)

Question: What sport starts with a T, has four letters, and is played around the world?

Question: What tastes better than it smells?

Riddle #1331 (medium)

Question: A dad and his four boys stand in line.
All crowned, they toil in darkness.
Another family they see, two birds of a feather.
All of them together clad in leather.

What are they?