Good Riddles

Riddle #585 (medium)

Question: What always eats but is always hungry?

Riddle #279 (medium)

Question: There was a family who lived in a circle house, one day they went on vacation but they left their little boy behind. When they came back they found their little boy dead in the middle of the house. They narrowed it down to three suspects: The maid, the butler, and the chef. The maid claims she was cleaning the corners, the butler claims he was organizing the closet, and the chef claims he was making finger sandwiches.

Who killed the little boy?

Question: There's a B in my hand. So what's in my eye?

Riddle #168 (medium)

Question: To look cool wrap me around your head.
Remove a letter and eat me instead.

What am I?

Question: Every time you lose something, you always find it in the very last place you would look.

Why is this?