Good Riddles


By HLad

Question: I travel for miles yet stay where I am. What am I?

Question: There was a dancing juggler performing everyday from Monday to Sunday,from 8 Am to 7 PM straight. At 6:50 he was performing his act in New Jersey, so he was dancing while juggling 8 eggs; 3 were raw, the other 2 were hard boiled, where were the other 3?

Question: Timmy is a buisness man. He works Monday through Friday and gets payed on Saturday. Every saturday after he gets his check, he buys 2 drinks from Wendy's. Next Saturday Tim ordered pizza instead. Why Is that?

Question: 3 rich guys walk into the bar one man walks out rich how is this possible

The digger (medium)

By Joot

Question: What is that comes out of a man, has no hand and has no legs but can make a hole on the ground?