Good Riddles

Riddle (medium)

Question: What flies without wings?

Direction (medium)

Question: You look east you look west your looking in both directions at the same time because there's a star you must reach. What are you actually doing?

Question: Alex was the strongest man in the world. He can lift up something that weighs 1000 kg easily. He can even pick up five women at once without any pain. But one day, there was a Weight Lifting Challenge Show. All the top 5 strongest man entered including Alex. The challenge is that they each have to lift up a really heavy object which weighs 1005 kg for five minutes. The winner is who didn’t drop it until it reached the time. If they all did it, the judges will decide to give first place to a person who can lift it up easily and stand still with no trouble looking. If Alex was the strongest man, he’ll probably come first. But he came second instead when the challenge was over. Why?

The lake (medium)

Question: Mary Jane is stranded on a deserted island in the middle of a huge and deep lake. She cannot swim and all she has is two strings that are each one foot long. All of the boats that she would be able to use are docked at the shore 4 miles away from her. 2 hours later, she is on the shore of the lake. How did she get across the lake?

mathsinsane (medium)

Question: can you make an equation by using only the no.-4,4,4,4 whose answer will be 20.