Good Riddles


Question: A man entered a house. There was no one else in the house. He walked in to a room, stopped, and slowly raised his hands above his head. After a moment, he turned around, let out a laugh, and left. Why?

Hard. (medium)

Question: You were asked to label the light switches for your company. You are in a room, with unlabeled light switches. There are 3 of them, and there are 3 lightbulbs in the next room. You can not travel back and forth. How do you successfully label the lightbulbs???

ready (medium)

By chin

Question: what is ready when you add a letter inside?

Question: I'm not dead i'm not alive, i'm not underground i'm high up in the sky, people speak of me but never saw me. Who am i?

Riddle #3930 (medium)

Question: i have a house but it doesnt have a door?