Good Riddles

Fast Driver (medium)

Question: How come the man didn't get pulled over when he was driving 110 mph?

Question: A man in downtown runs a tea shop, one day his bulb goes out, so he gets on a ladder to replace it, however; he falls off and his priceless Chinese attire gets covered in tea, yet he is able to salvage it, how?

Y W C A (medium)

Question: What does Y W C A stand for?

Dream (medium)

Question: After Timmy broke his leg he had to use a wheelchair. For PE, he had to give his teacher an excuse note. The teacher ripped it up and told Timmy to run with the other kids. Suddenly, Timmy felt a kick in his leg that was in a cast. No one had kicked him. Timmy was so mad he got up and walked to the other kids to asked who kicked his leg. Timmy was so excited when he realized he was walking that he ripped off his cast. Just then Timmy... Finish the sentence

Question: A van with 15 seats carried only 14 passengers plus the driver. Each passenger entered the van alone and occupied only one seat. Without considering the heart of the driver, upon critical observation, there are 29 hearts beating in the van. How is this possible?