Good Riddles


Question: There were 2 doors. Behind the 1 door, is hell and behind the other door, is heaven but you don't know which door will take you to heaven. In front of them, there were 2 brothers, which is guarding the door. One of the brother always lie and the other one always tell the truth. Of course you don't know who is lying and who is not. You only get 1 question to ask one of them to figure out which door leads to heaven. What question you might ask? Remember you only get to ask 1 question. it means that you can't ask one question each of them. that will be 2 questions. You only ask 1 question to any of them and no more. How do you do that?

Riddle #144 (medium)

Question: If 1/2 of 5 is 3, then what is 1/3 of 10?

Riddle #4 (medium)

Question: What starts with the letter "t", is filled with "t" and ends in "t"?

Riddle #63 (easy)

Question: A man is twenty years old but has only had five birthdays. How is that possible?

Chimney (medium)

Question: what can go up a chimney down but cant go down a chimney up