Good Riddles

ladyyy (medium)

Question: there was a two storeyed the second floor was standing a father.on the first floor was standing his son.and in the ground floor was standing a lady.what does the son say to father if he has to say a lady is standing down in one word.

Riddle #2454 (medium)

By Girl

Question: You were counting sheep. You thought you counted eight but you only counted seven and a half. How is that possible?

The Parade (medium)

Question: There is a guy in a parade. The crowd says that he has eyes that never blink, but he says he can see them. They also say that he has a mouth that never moves even though he can hear them talk to him. How is this possible?

riddles (medium)

Question: What is big, has 4 feet, and can fly?

Hours to live (medium)

Question: Assume you were told you have 24 hours to live. Also assume you had an injury that left you paralyzed, you can't look back. You are told you can do 10 things within the 24 hours. You first choose to tell your family, then tell your friends, and then your acquaintances. You then choose to eat at your favorite restaurant, and so on. What should you choose to do last?