Good Riddles


Question: There is a boat which can only support 80 kilos weight transport. A man has 2 sons. Man weighs 80 kilos and both sons are 40 and 40 kilos. They want to go to the Island with this boat, but going there together adds up to 160 kilos? What should they do to get them all on the Island?

What am i (medium)

Question: I always murmur but never talk, i always run but never walk, and I have a bed but I don't sleep. What am I?

Question: I never was. Am always to be. No one ever saw me, nor ever will. And yet I am the confidence of all who live and breathe. What am I ?

killes riddle (medium)

Question: I am king of knowledge , also the king of madness Who am i ?

Sheep (medium)

By chin

Question: What type of car does a sheep drives?