Good Riddles

Riddle #118 (medium)

Question: A shrimping boat is at the docks with a lifeboat hanging off the side 5 meters above the water. If the tides rise at a rate of 1.5 meters per hour, how long would it take for the water to reach the lifeboat.

Riddle #1322 (medium)

Question: Two men went into a restaurant. They sat at a table and the waiter came by and asked, "What do you want to drink?"

The first man said, "I'll have H20."

The second man said, "I'll have H20 too."

The second man died.


Riddle #973 (medium)

Question: Two criminals, Rob and Stan, are thrown into jail. But they plan to escape. There is a open window twenty feet off the ground. They try and try but are never able to reach it. They decide to dig their way out instead. After months of digging, they come up with a much easier plan. The plan works and they escape.

What was the plan?

Question: There is a brick of gold and a brick of iron in a boat (both 10 inch blocks), if they are both dropped into the water which will make the water level higher?

Question: Of the king I am blue and of the peasant I am red.Of the frog I am cold and of the dog I am hot instead.What am I?