Good Riddles

Riddle #1689 (medium)

Question: A cheap man and his wife decide to go on a trip for their 10th anniversary. They go to Brazil and while touring the rain forest his wife falls off of a bridge to her death.

Shortly after her death one of the flight attendants on their flight sees a report on her death on television. She immediately calls the police and tells them the man murdered his wife.

How did she know?

Question: I go up and I go down,
towards the sky and the ground.
I'm present and past tense too,
Let's go for a ride, me and you.

What am I?

Question: I have two rings. I move by request. If the mixture isn't right I just sit and rest.

What am I?

Question: You have a flashlight that takes 2 working batteries. You have 8 batteries but only 4 of them work.

What is the fewest number of pairs you need to test to guarantee you can get the flashlight on?

Question: If a pirate was to join the military, what branch of the armed service would they probably go in to?