Good Riddles


By Martin Gardner

Question: You are in a room with two metal rods and no other metal. One of them is magnetized and the other is not.

How can you determine which one is magnetized and which is not?

Question: Four jolly men sat down to play, they played all night until the break of day.
They played for cash and not for fun, with a separate score for every one.
When it came time to square accounts, they all made quite fair amounts.
Not one lost and all gained.

Now that you've heard, can you explain?

Question: What flies when it's born, lies when it's alive, and runs when it's dead?

Question: I sizzle like bacon, I'm made with an egg.
I have plenty of backbone, but not a good leg.
I peel layers like an onion, but still remain whole.
I can be long like a flagpole, yet I fit in a hole.

What am I?

Question: You can easily touch me, but not see me.
You can throw me out, but not away.

What am I?