Good Riddles


Question: I sizzle like bacon, I'm made with an egg.
I have plenty of backbone, but not a good leg.
I peel layers like an onion, but still remain whole.
I can be long like a flagpole, yet I fit in a hole.

What am I?

Riddle #361 (medium)

Question: If you have two twins, three triplets and four quadruplets; how many people do you have?

Question: What always goes to bed with its shoes on?

Riddle #716 (medium)

Question: I have four wings, but cannot fly.
I never laugh and never cry;
On the same spot I'm always found, toiling away with a little sound.

What am I?

Riddle #637 (medium)

Question: It takes one word to separate them; otherwise they are inseparable.

What are they?