Good Riddles

roaring call (medium)

Question: This old one runs forever, but never moves at all. He has no lungs, nor a throat, But you can hear his mighty roaring call.

Riddle #2641 (medium)

Question: Your friend is OCD and has to have things in a particular way. She even labels her socks so that the sock for the left foot will always be worn on the left foot and vice versa. Why did she lace her left shoe with a brown lace and the right one with a green lace?

black fire (medium)

Question: what's the difference between a jeweler and a jailer?

loss (medium)

Question: someone came into my shop and stole 100 dollars from the register without my knowledge. the person came back 5 minutes later with the same 100 dollars and bought 70 dollars in items and i gave him back 30 dollars change. How much did i lose?

Question: What did Robin Hood say, when Little John fired at him?