Good Riddles


Question: I sit on a bridge so you might see just how clear the world can be. What am I?

Faster (medium)

Question: Who's tallest is faster then it's shortest but it's thinnest is faster then it's tallest?

Question: A man lived on the 12th floor of a building it was a nice building anyway when he goes to work he gets in the elevator and goes to the bottom floor. When he comes back he goes to the 7th floor and walks the rest. But when there is someone else in the elevator he goes to the 12th and when it is raining why.

Who am I (medium)

Question: I run, I save people, and I was hit by lightning, And my public name starts with an "F"

What am I? (medium)

Question: I hide when you wake but upset you as you sleep... What am I?