Good Riddles


Question: I only come out when I see lights My colour is opposite of white Mostly, you don’t realize that I’m with you If you leave me, I’ll keep follow you I’ll always copy whatever you do You can’t touch me and I can’t touch you What am I?

Croaked (medium)

Question: What's green & yellow & red all over

Splash trap. (medium)

Question: Two 5 year old boys stand on their balcony collecting rain. Boy 1 catches 2 cups of water whilst boy 2 catches 3. They see a smart looking man walking down the street. The boys make a bet to see who will get the man wetter. Boy 1 is 2 metres closer to the edge than boy 2 and the balcony is 25 metres from the street. Which boy will get the smart man wettest?

Cops (medium)

Question: Two cops walk into a doughnut shop. One gets a sprinkle doughnut and the second one gets a sugar doughnut. What did the third cop get?

I am (medium)

Question: I am the one thing that stays after fire , I am the one that choke liars and yet the wind is my foe, in the morning I’ll be gone! Who am I?