Good Riddles


Question: 1 11 21 1211 111221 312211 13112221 1113213211 what comes next?

Riddle #3930 (medium)

Question: i have a house but it doesnt have a door?

Question: 28th Feb, 2015 Josh went to rob a bank. He threatened to kill the cashier if he didn't open the vault. The cashier told him the vault is not opened with keys but with a password. You can't kill me since I'm the only one who knows the password and everyday the password is different. Josh shot the cashier, entered the password, opened the vault and stole all the money. What is the password?

Question: A mother has five daughters, January is the first daughter, February is the second daughter , March is the third daughter, April is the fourth daughter. What is the name of the fifth child

loss (medium)

Question: someone came into my shop and stole 100 dollars from the register without my knowledge. the person came back 5 minutes later with the same 100 dollars and bought 70 dollars in items and i gave him back 30 dollars change. How much did i lose?