Good Riddles


Question: How can you add 9 to become 6? (No subtracting).

Riddle #16 (medium)

Question: I can run but never walk. Wherever I go, thought are close behind me.

What am I?

Taken away (medium)

Question: Given to all man then taken away, you can beg for more time but I never stay What am I?

Riddle #165 (medium)

Question: While you were folding a letter I got you.
Usually you will do whatever it takes to avoid me,
but now you can't help but find me.

What am I?

Question: My food and drink were left behind
by ancients from another time.
I grind my feet upon the earth
with strength come from a metal hearth.
My mind is trapped when I run free
when still, it wanders far from me.

What am I?