Good Riddles

Room (medium)

Question: You need a room for your group. Each person needs 5 square feet of space. You have 25 people in your group, what is the smallest room you can use?

Question: Your father is a scientist who has invented a red pill which, if eaten with 1 blue pill which he has invented, will grant immortality. The night he invents it, he gives you 2 red and 2 blue pills just in case one of them is lost or substandard. He also warns you that an overdose will cause the opposite effect and kill you instead. You put the pills in your pocket and leave his lab for home. On the way home, you are abducted by aliens who blindfold you and throw you into a singularity. At this point, you remember the pills your father gave you. You take them out (you can move and have enough oxygen in space for a short time), but realize that you can't tell the red pill from the blue pill. Even if you take off your blindfold, you can't see anything due to your proximity to the black hole. Given the circumstances, how do you successfully eat 1 red and 1 blue pill and survive?

Triple Chests (medium)

Question: There are 3 chests, labelled food, beds and food and beds.True enough, one chest contains only food, one chest contains only beds and one chest contains both. You are warned that the chests' labels may be lying collectively, or not at all. How can you tell which chest contains what by just opening one of them?

Question: A shield can reflect projectiles which travel at 4/5 of their original speed after being reflected. A missile is shot towards the shield at 700 km/h. At what speed did it go after its reflection?

Question: You're in a VERY dark room. You enter it, and immediately everything you see dissolves into darkness... But suddenly, you see the faintest red light. You COMPLETELY close and cover an eye, but You can still see the red light. How is this possible?