Good Riddles


Question: A Florida man is running down a hall with a piece of paper. The lights flicker and he falls to the ground in tears.

What happened?

Question: I have no eyes, ears, tongue, or nose.
Yet I see, hear, taste, and smell everything.

What am I?

What am I? (medium)

Question: I'm fat and I'm round and I cause much joy, I'm often a dogs favorite toy. What am I?

Riddle #405 (medium)

Question: You wear me every day but you never put me on.
I will change colors if you leave me out too long.

What am I?

Riddle #67 (medium)

Question: There are 3 switches downstairs, each corresponding to one of the light bulbs upstairs. How can you figure out which light switch goes to which light bulb by only making 1 trip upstairs?