Good Riddles


Question: The warden of a circular jail is extremely hyper one day so he begins running around opening cells. The jail has 100 cells numbered from 1 to 100. He runs in a circle and opens all of the cells. Next he runs around and closes every 2nd cell (starting with cell 2, 4, 6 , etc.). If a cell is open he closes it and if a cell is closed he opens it. When he finishes running by all 100 cells he opens/closes every 3rd cell (starting with 3, 6, 9, 12 etc.), then every 4th cell (starting with 4, 8, 12, etc.) and so on. He does this until he goes around and only changes the 100th cell.

When he is done what cells will be open?

Riddle #153 (medium)

Question: 2 men catch 2 fish in 2 minutes. At this rate, how many men could catch 500 fish in 500 minutes?

Riddle #344 (medium)

Question: A girl lives on the 26th floor of a building. She takes the elevator down to the lobby and goes to school each day. When school is over she goes to the 20th floor on the elevator and walks up 6 flights of stairs to her room. But if she is riding with somebody else on the elevator she goes all the way to the 26th floor.

Why does she do so?

Question: There is a boat crash in the middle of a lake between Canada and the United States. Where do they bury the survivors?

Riddle #430 (medium)

Question: There was a man who was born before his father, killed his mother, and married his sister. Yet there was nothing wrong with what he had done.
