Hard Riddles and Answers


Question: What is brown and sticky?

Question: A man was able to avoid getting stuck alone on a deserted island by forgetting to put one thing on the island.What did he forget?

Question: Scientists are trying to figure out what is between Heaven and Earth.What is it?

Question: What has thousands of ears but can't hear a thing?

Question: A man was shot while in his car. The person who shot him was outside of the car. However, all the windows were up and the doors locked. There were no holes in the car though.

How was he shot?

Question: What is as ancient as the earth but new every month?

Question: What building has the most stories?

Question: How can you make 7 even?

Question: Every time you lose something, you always find it in the very last place you would look.

Why is this?

Question: Why would a hair stylist rather cut the hair of two brunettes than one red head?