About: I like pie and pandas very much.
0 ratings
0 saves
By FayeT123
Question: If Mary's mom had four children, (April, May, and June) who is the fourth one?
Answer: Mary. If you look again, it says "Mary's mom"
163 ratings
8 saves
By FayeT123
Question: Scientists are trying to figure out what is between Heaven and Earth.What is it?
Answer: The word 'and.'
49 ratings
0 saves
By FayeT123
Joke: If you were french, why would you want a seal?
Punch line: Who doesn't want a good phoque! 'Phoque' means seal in french.
0 ratings
0 saves
By FayeT123
Joke: Yo mama's so dumb that she returned a doughnut because it had a hole it it!
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