Hard Riddles and Answers


Question: There was a man who sleeps from 10:00 p.m to 5:00 a.m. He never wakes up between his sleeping time. During 12:00 midnight, he found himself in his neighbor's house. His neighbor is sleeping. He secretly stole his precious frame. Then, it was 5:00 a.m. He woke up and by 7:30 a.m he visited his neighbor's house. There he sees his neighbor's precious frame. He thought he stole it. How is this possible?

Question: In Colorland, there was a party. Red tried out the hardest adventures and he was never scared for his color, red, symbolized courage. Orange looked at the sun with a smile for his color is the color of the sun in space. Yellow went on laughing for her color symbolizes happiness. Green went on in the fresh grass for grass is his color. All the colors were happy. However, Blue stared at the horizon, crying. Why he is not happy?

HAHA! (medium)

Question: What is green and has wheels?

Question: New York In the The Spring What is wrong here?

By Sal

Question: I can hurt you unbearably and can't be touched. What am I?

Question: Sophie who is a housemaid, knows her boundaries well. She is good at equations. Her favorite vegetable is cauliflower. Which is her favorite plant?

Question: What speaks with its ear, listens with its mouth, and has 10 digits but no hands?

Question: What goes black when you buy it, red when you use it, and goes white when you throw it away?

riddle #1 (medium)

Question: You use me. I keep you neat. Every once in a while you empty me out. What am i?

The Traveler (medium)

Question: A traveler is walking in the jungle. Then he found 4 paths. In the first one has a really deep mud. When people go there, they never come back. Second path have broken tracks, which is really unsafe for the people who take this path. In the third path, there is lion who didn't eat and drink anything for 3 months, so it might be really hungry by now. Last one have dinosaurs and volcanoes, so it's a very dangerous place. So, which path is the best for the traveler to take.