10 ratings
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Question: What is the only question you can never answer?
10 ratings
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By DeceivedThem
Question: While the barracuda uses opportunity and speed to prey on other large fish, it has little interest in humans. Barracuda attacks on humans are rare; but when they do, what is the reason?
7 ratings
0 saves
Question: What has hands, but can not clap?
7 ratings
1 saves
Question: I have the power to turn day into night And night into day I am worshiped by many Even when I'm quartered and halved. Look but you shall not find me when I am new.
7 ratings
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Question: In an office building there are six floors in all. 6 people Simon, Harry, Susan, Pete, Trudy and David work on different floors. Simon stays in the lift for the longest. Susan gets out before Pete but after Trudy. The first one to get out is Harry. David leaves before Trudy who gets out at the third floor. In which floor does each one work on?
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