Good Riddles

Riddle #391 (medium)

Question: Which comes first, chicken or egg?

Riddle #303 (medium)

Question: A man taking the census walks up to the apartment of a mathematician and asks him if he has any children and how old they are. The mathematician says "I have three daughters and the product of their ages is 72." The man tells the mathematician that he needs more information, so the mathematician tells him "The sum of their ages is equal to our apartment number." The man still needs more information so the mathematician tells him "My oldest daughter has her own bed and the other two share bunk beds."

How old are his daughters?

Question: Someone posts that they are giving away a free $100 to whoever shows them they deserves it. One person posts (the post receives 1 point):

Don't give it to me, other people deserve it more.

The next person posts (the person also receives 1 point):

If you give me the money I'll spend it to make the world a better place

The final person posts a picture of a cat. His post gets -1 point.

When somebody dislikes you comment you lose a point and when somebody likes it you gain a point. You can also vote on your own.

Who gets the money?

Question: Every time you lose something, you always find it in the very last place you would look.

Why is this?

random riddle (medium)

Question: what house can fly?