Good Riddles


Question: No matter the shape I sit in, you'll find me in a row. Although my name has no letters, my initials are MNO. What am I?

Riddle #259 (medium)

Question: If you have a rope around a soccer ball and the moon, which rope would have to increase in length more to create a one meter gap between the rope and the soccer ball/moon?

Riddle #825 (medium)

Question: A king finds a woman he wants to marry but she refuses. But since he is the king, she has to. The king gives her a deal: he will write 'YES' and 'NO' on two pieces of paper. The papers will be put into a hat and she will choose one. If it says yes she will marry him, if it says no she will not. The only problem is that the king cheats and puts two pieces of paper that say yes into the hat, but the woman is the only one who sees this.

How can the woman avoid marrying the king?

Question: If it's information you seek, come and see me.
If it's pairs of letters you need, I have consecutively three.

Who am I?

Riddle #43 (medium)

Question: I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost everybody.

What am I?